The village of Zuidlaren in the province of Drenthe – just south of Groningen and Haren – has the oldest animal market in the Netherlands. Next Tuesday, October 15, it will be ‘Zuidlaardermarkt’ again and farmers, cow- and horsetraders from all over the North will go there to trade their animals.
This market has also become a major tourist attraction. Prior to the Zuidlaardermarkt there is first a celebratory evening under the name “Zuidlaardernacht”.
The Zuidlaardermarkt is every third Tuesday of October and has been around for more than 800 years. It is also the largest horse market in Europe, with a large fairground and a four-kilometer-long commodity market.
The Groningen-Drenthe Public Transport Office will use extra buses during the Zuidlaardernacht and Zuidlaardermarkt next week.
Those who go out in Zuidlaren on Monday to Tuesday night can not only go there by bus, but also go home by bus at night.
Buses run all night in the direction of Groningen, Gieten, Veendam, Assen and Hoogezand.