JOVD Groningen, the youth wing of the VVD political party, will be raising awareness on safe sex during this year’s KEI-week, a week-long celebration to welcome this academic year’s new students to the city.
In a press release, JOVD Groningen said it will distribute free condoms at the information market on Monday. The wrappers display the message that “A real student has sex with consent.” The JOVD is hoping to raise awareness on creating a safe nightlife environment and consensual sex.
Last year, JOVD Groningen focused on raising awareness about sexually transmitted diseases. The young group said that this year they will be highlighting the new Sexual Offenses Act during the KEI-week, which imposes stricter penalties for assault and rape.
“Kei Week is a festive and busy period in which thousands of new students get to know the city. During this hectic week, it’s important to emphasise safe and consensual contact,” said JOVD Groningen chairperson Lisa Lewis.
“Our presence during KEI-week encourages students to work together towards a culture of respect and safety,” Lewis added.