On Wednesday, job seekers in the region can check out the Work Festival, the largest job market at the Suikerterrein, for free.
The Work Festival will be spread out across seven venues at the grounds of the former sugar beet factory and will feature 180 companies and more than 1,000 job vacancies. At 250 stands, representatives from a range of industries, including construction, engineering, healthcare, IT, logistics, professional services and training programmes, will be on hand. The event will be held in Dutch, but the International Welcome Center North says that there will also be translators on site.
The event aims to set itself apart from similar networking opportunities by creating more of a festival atmosphere with food truck, live music and workshops. The free event will start at 10 a.m. and run until 8 p.m. The Work Festival is organised by Werk in Zicht, a regional collaboration between employment insurance agency UWV and sheltered work providers in Groningen and northern Drenthe.
You can sign up for the event at the Work Festival website.
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