May has arrived, bringing along the promise of nice(r) weather, longer days and lazy afternoons spent outdoors in the green. For internationals and locals in the North who feel like they could use an excuse to socialize and meet new people, we have compiled a guide of all the meetups and events that our partners at City Central and Connect International have planned for the month ahead.
From walking clubs to Dutch conversation, from Book Club to Coffee mornings, there is something for everyone. Enjoy!
- Sunday Coffee social, May 8th at 13:00 at Post Plaza in Leeuwarden. The first Sunday of every month, Connect International organizes a get together at a café’ in Leeuwarden; free for members, 5 euro for non-members.
Weekly events
- Walking club Leeuwarden, every Tuesday (3–10–17–24–31) at 19:30, meeting at Oldehove. free or 5 euros. A chance to relax and take in the beauty of the city’s quaint streets, different parks and green areas, while enjoying the benefits of walking. Free for Connect International members, 5 euro for non-members; sign-up until 18:00 of the same day.
- Leeuwarden cycling club, every Wednesday (4–11–18–25) at 9:00. Free for Connect International members, 5 euro for non-members.
- Running Club Friesland, every Saturday (7–14–21–28) at 10:30. Ideal for people who would like to go running but just can’t get motivated, or who simply would love some company. Meeting point in Leeuwarden, will be communicated via email; sign up until one hour before the meeting. Free for Connect International members, 5 euro for non-members.
- Writer’s Club in Groningen, May 6th at 16:30, at the International Welcome Center North office in Gedempte Zuiderdiep 98. The club welcomes people who love writing in English, anything from poetry and plays to blogs, short stories and novels. Free for Connect International members; non-members are welcome to attend one event but will need to become members to attend regularly. Sign up until 24 hours before the session.
- Book Club in Groningen, May 11th at 20:00, location to be announced. The book for the month of May is Troy by Stephen Fry. The Book Club meetings are only for members of Connect International. Send an email to if you wish to join.
- Connect Talk: Having a Baby in The Netherlands, May 12th at 10:00, at the International Welcome Center North office in Gedempte Zuiderdiep 98. Being pregnant when you are living in a new country might be an exciting experience for international couples, but challenging at the same time. Connect International will provide practical information and suggestions for new parents. Free for Connect International members, 5 euro for non-members. Sign up until 24 hours before the session.
- International Coffee morning in Groningen, May 13th at 11:30. Join Connect International for their regular meet-and-greet event to enjoy a hot drink, meet old friends and welcome newcomers. Free for Connect International members, 5 euro for non-members.
- Saturday Discoveries in Groningen, May 21st at 10:30. Every 3 to 4 weeks, Connect International organizes a meet-up to discover new places to enjoy a cup of coffee and piece of cake. Free for Connect International members, 5 euro for non-members.
- FietsFriend Outing, June 5th at 11:00. Join City Central in exploring the beautiful countryside surrounding the city of Groningen. The excursion will last 3 to 5 hour 2.5 euros for early birds (until midnight May 29th), 5 euros on the week of (until midnight June 3rd).
Weekly events
- Dutch conversation fun. Free for Connect International members, 5 euro for non-members. Sign up until 24 hours before.
- Level A1-A2, every Wednesday (4–11-18-25) at 10:30, online.
- Level B1-B2, May 9th at 12:45, online.
- Level B1-B2, May 16th at 12:45, at the International Welcome Center North office in Gedempte Zuiderdiep 98.
- Yoga afternoons, every Thursday (5–12–19–26) at 17:30, close to Ooosterpark (online in case of rain). The classes are quite active, beginning with breathing, then intensive physical movement and ending with relaxation.Free for Connect International members, 5 euro for non-members.
- Women’s Circle, a “tribu”, every Friday (6–13–20–27) at 10:00, at the International Welcome Center North office in Gedempte Zuiderdiep 98. Join a group of women from all corners of the world and all walks of life, and share thoughts, ideas, and experiences. The circle is a safe space to come and be heard, ask for help, find new friends and a support network. Free for Connect International members, 5 euro for non-members.
- Walking Club in Groningen, every Sunday (8–15–22–29) at 14:00. The club usually has 1-2 hours excursions in green areas in the city, and once a month organizes longer walks in neighboring villages or provinces. Free for Connect International members, 5 euro for non-members; sign up until 24 hours before.