The conversation will take place across borders, and you can join in!
By Thomas Ansell
Next Tuesday, on May 5, the Netherlands will celebrate 75 years since its liberation at the end of World War 2. No better time then to consider the meaning of ‘freedom’: a notoriously hard-to-define word and sentiment.
Here & Now, the cultural directory for Groningen, Friesland, and Drenthe will host the talks along with the Bevrijdingsfestival Groningen, University of Groningen, Hanzehogeschool, and The Student Hotel Groningen.
The conversation will take the form of a web-cast, with six pairs of complete strangers, all from different countries, discussing their ideas around freedom. Those tuning in will also be able to send questions, or even ‘join’ the conversation.
“During these weird isolated times, it is especially important to stay free-spirited and connected to eachother! Let’s share new perspectives and find ways to be FREE during this period, and forever after!”, says the event listing.
The debate will commence on Tuesday, 5 May, at 15:00 and will continue until 17:15. More information is available at both the Here & Now website, and via the Facebook event.