Welcome To The Village festival has been nominated for a “Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe” (EFFE) award. The festival, held at the Groene Ster just outside of Leeuwarden, will be held from the 18th-21st July.
Translation by Thomas Ansell
As reported by the Leeuwarder Courant, the prize is awarded by the European Festival Association for festivals that have “an artistically excellent programme, and a strong impact on local and regional cultural cohesion”.
Welcome To The Village is the only Dutch festival that has been nominated this year. Two years ago, in the previous edition of the awards, both the theatre festival Boulevard (Den Bosch) and Festival Oude Muziek (Utrecht) were nominated, with the festival in Utrecht winning an award.
The festival was one of 23 nominated by an international jury out of the more than 700 European festivals that occur each year. The award ceremony will take place on the 26th September in Brussels. Aside from being nominated for the top prize, Welcome To The Village has also been nominated for the EFFE Audience Choice Award, which is decided through a public vote.