Between the 12th and 18th of November, academic institutions across the Netherlands will be host events as part of the Week of the International Student.
By Hans de Preter and Traci White
The Week of the International Student is an initiative by Nuffic, the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education. The event has been held since at least 2015 his year’s theme is “food brings people together”, and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen has a range of activities planned throughout the week.
Dutch breakfast
On Thursday, the 15th of November, the school will host a Dutch Breakfast at the Wiebenga complex in the city centre for 200 international students to learn more about Dutch culture. The Hanze’s Institute for Marketing Management will also host a series of master classes led by professors from various European countries focused on marketing, logistics and tourism based on the theme of Internationalisation at Home.
International potluck
NUFFIC’s map of local events also lists an evening hosted by HOST-IFES, the Christian-affiliated Groningen branch of Hospitality for Overseas Students. As part of its regular Friday evening events throughout the year, the group is putting on an international potluck dinner on Friday the 16thof November at Kraneweg 33. Students are encouraged to prepare a dish from their home country.
In Leeuwarden, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences will host an international food market on the 13th of November where students can share cuisine, culture and games from their home countries. The VHL staff will man a booth with information about study abroad and international internship opportunities through the school.