Fifteen people flaunted Coronavirus social distancing guidelines
On Friday night, a group of 15 Vindicat members threw a party, in direct contravention of the Dutch government’s Coronavirus regulations. All of them were arrested by police and given fines. Since then, Vindicat itself has decided to expel the members concerned. As reported by the GIC.
Vindicat issued a statement on Saturday:
“We are aware of the incident that took place last night. It was an illegal and, most importantly, irresponsible series of actions, which were completely contrary to the Coronavirus policy of the government and Vindicat. We do not accept our members not adhering to the guidelines and thereby endangering others.
“We are pleased that the police have stopped this inappropriate meeting in our building and that the individuals concerned have been fined. They will also be removed from the association, we do not want to have anything to do with this behavior. In these times it is very important that we all, including students, adhere to government measures.”
Vindicat is one of the best-known organisations in the city, and it should be noted that in the association has been in the media quite a lot recently, aside from its ill-fated ski trip at the beginning of the outbreak, several high-profile stories of ‘hazing’ rituals have reported that new recruits were sent to hospital with head injuries (among other incidents). The student association has also come under fire following some of its members creating a ‘bang list’ of female members, and an article in the members magazine ‘De Ster’ that named a ‘slut of the summer’.
A full history of Vindicats’ misdeeds can be read (in Dutch) on, however the actions of the society as a collection were deemed so bad that the University of Groningen and Hanzehogeschool pulled funding from the organisation in 2018.
Image via WikiMedia user Papoise. License here.