Study associations of the University of Groningen argue for the further opening of the University’s buildings and better support for students.
According to the study associations, the well-being of students has reached a critical point due to the consequences of the lockdown measures. The associations are proposing concrete solutions via a petition to the board of the University of Groningen. They are supported by all student parties of the university council.
All kinds of signals show that young people are having a hard time. For example, one in three young people gives his or her life an unsatisfactory mark. More than half of the young people say they have symptoms of depression or other mental health problems.
The study associations, united in the FAA, want more study places, more space for a safe meeting, and to expand on the trial with the rapid test street of the RUG and Hanze. They call on the RUG to use creative solutions to help solve these issues.