The University of Groningen (UG) is considering sanctioning student association Vindicat after an altercation in December which has just now come to light.
By Hans de Preter / Translation by Traci White
Dagblad van het Noorden reports that two Vindicat members allegedly assaulted another member on 3 December during the association’s d’Hiver festival: the victim was concussed and his jaw was injured.
The fraternity failed to inform the university about the incident despite signing an agreement last year that they would report any future altercations. The rector of the fraternity stated that the victim did not indicate that he wanted to notify the university, but he ultimately decided to file a police report. The accused members are being prosecuted and are scheduled to appear in court on 26 July.
The UG says that they are considering sanctions against the fraternity and are demanding complete candor from Vindicat. The fraternity’s failure to report the incident could result in Vindicat losing their accreditation, which is set for evaluation in July. If the accreditation is not extended, the fraternity will not be allowed to take part in university events.