It seems likely that the infections are due to the ‘British Variant’ of the Coronavirus
The UMCG’s department C2 for heart and lung patients has two patients that have been infected with the the Coronavirus. This brings the total number of infections to 22 at the ward. According to the UMCG, it is likely that the ‘British variant’ of the Coronavirus is responsible.
It was announced on Monday that nine employees and thirteen (former) patients of the ward are infected. Whether they indeed have the British variant will become clear on Wednesday, reports the GIC.
Due to the outbreak at ward C2, between ten and fifteen thoracic surgery operations have been delayed. Emergency operations can continue, says the UMCG.
No new patients were admitted to the department on Monday and Tuesday, but it is currently being examined whether these patients can be admitted to another department.
Manager of the Heart Center Marieke Gosens says that the outbreak has hit all of the staff hard. “A kind of dejection is especially prevalent. We had just been given more room to operate again. Now we again have to disappoint many patients. There is also fear and uncertainty. So many colleagues who are suddenly infected, and who will follow?”
“Fortunately, we get a lot of help from other departments,” says head nurse Akkelyn Hoekstra.
“No one complains, everyone puts their shoulders to the wheel to be there for the patients and also for each other.” And how are the infected colleagues at home? “Yes, they are very disappointing,” says Hoekstra. “I hope it calms down a bit later in the week, so that I can give them some attention too.”