The new speed limits came into effect last week
Translated by Margery Didier
Truck driver Johannes Ritsma from Surhuisterveen expects that the roads will become a lot safer now that everyone can only drive 100 kilometers per hour. “You get a much quieter traffic surrounding because the speed differences are much lower than before. That’s a really good measure.”
Johannes Ritsma was named the safest truck driver in the Netherlands two years ago. He mainly drives at night with parcels that he brings to distribution centers and is therefore not bothered by the new speed measures. Nevertheless, he is very pleased with the adjustment. “Because trucks and cars are now allowed to drive just as fast, you get people having to brake less. That is really a plus.”
Ritsma sees that people have adhered to the adjusted speed so far. “Most drivers now drive at a hundred. Of course we have to get used to it, but when there will be speed cameras later, you will see that everyone is doing it.”
All signs with the new speed limit are now on the side of the highway, Rijkswaterstaat reports.