On the corner of the Voorstreek and the Koningsstraat in Leeuwarden, you will find a tiny property that proudly calls itself the “smallest storefront in the Netherlands.” If you have 69,000 euros lying around, it could be yours.
Translation by Traci White
According to the Leeuwarder Courant, the miniscule shop space – which measures up at 1.5 by 12.5 meters, or 19 square meters – was recently put up for sale and posted on the business version of Dutch real estate site Funda.
The property, which was designed by Zijtse Sieswert Feddema in 1897, is for sale for 69,000 euros and is essentially a glorified display counter. The description of the property, which bears a striking resemblance to the storefronts at Disneyworld, reads “the façade is a distinctive example of luxurious, cosmopolitan late 19th century architecture that would not look out of place in Brussels, Munich or Vienna, making it an unexpected gem in Leeuwarden.”
The current inhabitants run a chocolate shop selling Leonidas Belgian chocolates. According to their website, the shop is so tiny that they can only clean it with a dustbuster.
Two other shops in the Netherlands claim to be the tiniest in all the land: Bram & Aagie in Graft, which is a candy shop that measures up to 5.5 square meters; and ‘t Kleinste Winkeltje in The Hague, a chip shop with a two meter wide façade.
Photo source: Google Maps