Informateur issues advice for left wing coalition in Groningen
The new coalition in the municipal government in Groningen should include GroenLinks, ChristenUnie, D66 and the Labour Party. Translation by ...
The new coalition in the municipal government in Groningen should include GroenLinks, ChristenUnie, D66 and the Labour Party. Translation by ...
In the municipal elections across the north, left-leaning parties and parties focused on hyper local issues had a good night ...
While the majority of the Netherlands held municipal elections back in March, due to redistricting, four newly formed municipalities across ...
During a municipal council meeting on Wednesday, a motion by D66 to provide temporary housing for 750 international students in ...
Sandra Beckerman (SP) and Henk Nijboer (PvdA), two Groningen-based representatives in the Dutch parliament, are calling for an emergency session ...
The newly sworn in municipal council in Emmen wants to focus on increasing civic participation, fighting poverty and improving accessibility ...
The PvdA (Labour Party) city faction is calling for businesses to place solar panels on their rooves. Last week, RTV ...
Ugbaad Kilincci, who was running for a council seat in Emmen as a member of the Dutch Labour party (PvdA), ...
Eric van Oosterhout, the mayor of Emmen, has reacted angrily to the insulting treatment municipal council candidate Ugbaad Kilincci faced ...
Ugbaad Kilincci, who is running for a council seat in Emmen as a member of the Dutch Labour parry (PvdA), ...
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