Groningen gas extraction “absolute last resort” after Russia ends deal with Dutch GasTerra
The end of the contract, which included 2 billion cubic meters of gas to GasTerra through the end of September, ...
The end of the contract, which included 2 billion cubic meters of gas to GasTerra through the end of September, ...
Stopping gas extraction in Groningen also means that gas trading company GasTerra will be phased out, with 165 jobs set ...
Gasunie is reportedly not ruling out the possibility of bringing gas extraction levels in Groningen below 12 billion cubic meters. ...
At around 7:45 on Wednesday morning, 25 climate activists chained themselves to the GasTerra headquarters building on the Stationsweg in ...
Starting at noon on 24 May, runners can sign up for the 4 Mijl race in Groningen. By Marieke Bos ...
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