This Frisian company may have a microscopic answer to combatting climate change
Concerns about the future of our environment as well as emerging diseases that could change our way of life have ...
Concerns about the future of our environment as well as emerging diseases that could change our way of life have ...
The European Researchers’ Night, a science festival for the curious, will take place in Groningen’s Forum on the 27th of ...
In the Netherlands, national institutions are seen as more competent while local institutions are seen as more honest and transparent ...
The Municipality of Groningen will be handing out free compost between today and Saturday. ‘Magical’ is likely not the first ...
Reduced freshwater flow into the Wadden Sea has harmful consequences for plant and animal life in the region, the Royal ...
The northern provinces of Friesland, Drenthe, and Groningen are experiencing an unexpected resurgence of summer-like weather this week, with local ... ACS Buildings CEO Guido Bartelink says he seeks to hire people with different international backgrounds and perspectives to assist ...
The Farmer's Defence Force (FDF) has made its code of conduct known Translated by Thomas Ansell No violence, no vandalism, ...
Nearly a year after protestors were met with armed police resistance in Amsweer after blocking a gas facility, members of ...
GrunnGras, a municipal experiment using so-called green tiles in the Oranjebuurt in Groningen, is yielding promising results. By Hans de ...
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