It’s not like students voted for Mark Rutte anyway
Mark Rutte’s Coronavirus tweaks seem not to have gone down well with student groups in the Netherlands: the Interurban Student Consultation (ISO) and the National Student Union (LSVb) say that they “see with sorrow how promises in perspective are not fulfilled”, reports the GIC.
Chairman of the ISO Dahran Çoban: “It is such a shame to see that students are structurally at the back for relaxation, thousands of students have been at home for months now and have no prospect of improvement. Again, promises made on perspective are not fulfilled, hopefully we are next in line.”
Recently published research by ResearchNed on behalf of the ISO established a relationship between the amount of online education and the mental state of students. The greater the percentage of digital education, the worse students feel. According to the organizations, more physical education should therefore be at the heart of relaxation for higher education.
“If we don’t change anything now, I’m afraid the rack for students will be gone.” It’s as if the cabinet has forgotten us on the platform and we see the train leaving with the rest of society”, says Çoban.
The organizations see both the need for more physical education and the need for study places:”Students at colleges and universities continue to be left out. It looks like they are being pushed out of the boat. The cabinet, together with the colleges and universities, must arrange regional study places within one month. Don’t let students drown”, says Chiappino, of the LSVb .