The money has come from central government
Translated by Thomas Ansell
Four schools in Assen, Leek (Drenthe), Delfzijl and Veendam (Groningen) have been given nine million euros between them to improve their tehcnical education. Minister Arie Slob will make the announcement in a letter to the Second Chamber (of the Dutch parliament) today. As reported in the Asser Courant.
The money will go towards the Penta campus of the Dr. Nassau College in Assen, RSG de Borgen in Leek, the Theda Mansholt College in Delfzijl; and the school collective Winkley Prins in Veendam.
The Northern schools have received the money thanks to a join application made to the Ministry of Culture, Education, and Science. Minister Slob said that schools in 26 regions were to be given more than 117 million euros- an earlier round of funding saw 231 million euros given to educational institutions in 45 regions.
According to the minister, the job market requires more technically-skilled graduates: “therefore VMBO- schools, MBO schools, and businesses are all planning together. The ambition that they are pointing towards is great, and enthusiasm jumps from it.”
Schools that applied for the available funding had to provide a plan for what they would do with the new money. This varied from a new joint technical location, up to the setting-up of practical lessons in businesses, or the provision of technical and technological lessons in basis-scholen (four to 12 years).