66 percent of people that had been drugged against their will were women
The Groningen Ukrant conducted an investigation before the March lockdown, and spoke to 293 students- concluding that students ‘regularly’ ingest substances against their will.
Drugging involves the unwanted ingestion of substances such as flunitrazepam, ketamine and GHB.
According to the UKrant, mainly women were the victims. 44 percent of those surveyed had been drugged while going out. For the rest it happened at a festival, at home, or at a student association.
Victims talk about blackouts or robbery, and rape, among other things. They say they have repressed their experiences for fear of not being believed.
One victim says she woke up in a strange bed covered in blood and fled. For years she did not dare to tell about it. “I always thought something like that wouldn’t happen to me, but now I know better,” she told the Ukrant.
If you have had an unwanted sexual experience, need immediate help, are doubting yourself or you have questions? The Sexual Assault Centre is available 24/7. You can call or chat for free: 0800 0188.
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