The Frisian meteorologist’s predictions for winter 2020 suggest that we’re in for a cold snap
Translated by Thomas Ansell
As reported by the Omrop Fryslân, in Piet Paulusma’s much-anticipated winter update the celebrity weatherman predicts ‘skating weather’ for a number of days. In any case, says Paulusma, the Northern Netherlands is in for a much more ‘wintry’ and unsettled season than last year.
Paulusma’s main takeaway is to expect turbulent weather: including both periods of deep freeze and warmer weather. Whilst this is likely to start from December, Paulusma suggests that January and February are likely to be seriously cold this year.
Aside from snowstorms and ice, Groningen, Friesland, and Drenthe are also likely to experience significant warmer and damper weeks, which could come hand-in-hand with torrential rain and violent winter storms.
Last year the warmer weather meant that very little skating could be done- however it is likely that in the winter of 2020/2021 there could even be opportunities for skating on canals and grachten. Should the PietCast underestimate the cold there is also the possibility of an Elfstedentocht ice skating race being held for the first time since 1997.