The board announced the plans in a letter to parents, and will keep to the new regulations announced on Tuesday
As reported by the GIC, from after the May holidays teachers will teach one half of the children in their classes one day, and the other half the next day. This means that the children will go to school every other day.
On the days when the children are at home, they will still have to complete homework exercises, but because the teachers will be front of the other half of their class, the children will not be supervised from school, according to O2G2 public schools body in Groningen.
The pupils may not be brought to school by their parents after the May holidays. The school grounds are also not accessible to the parents. According to O2G2, the schools will take measures to prevent groups from forming around the school when students arrive and leave.
Parents and teachers will have to stay 1.5 meters apart, but this rule will not apply to students. Emergency care remains available for pupils of parents who work in vital professions.
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