Businesses and institutions can claim to money to pay for, amongst other things, screens and protective equipment
Translated by Thomas Ansell
From July 1, small businesses in the most-affected sectors are particularly encouraged to apply; these include the transport sector, food selling businesses, leisure outlets; and cultural institutions. As reported by the GIC.
The subsidy regulations is intended for companies with fewer than 50 staff, that have to make changes to accommodate anti-Coronavirus measures. These could include disinfection stations, plexiglass screens, or a digital reservations system.
Half of the costs of each business can be covered by the Province. The subsidy scheme will run from 500 euros up to a maximum of 2,500 euros per business. So, businesses must be investing at least 1,000 euros in order to get financing.
Not all shops, for example, will be covered by the scheme. Supermarkets, building material suppliers, garden centres; and web-shops will be excluded. The Province thinks that it is particularly important to support small businesses; as investing in protective equipment is a necessary cost.
The subsidies will be processed through the Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland (SNN). Applications can be submitted via the SNN website from July 1.
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