The plan aims to produce green energy and help remove asbestos from people’s buildings
Translated by Thomas Ansell
Energy co-operatives and owners of buildings with large roofs are to be given support from the Province of Friesland with a new ‘asbestos roof to solar roof’ scheme announced yesterday. The Province has made 150,000 euros available to help convert the roofs to mini-solar generators.
The scheme involves removing dangerous asbestos-lined roofs and replacing them with cutting edge solar panel roofs, which will then be rented by an energy co-operative providing both green energy and a monetary contribution to the roof-owners. Extra energy that is produced by the panels will be re-directed to the general power grid.
In 2017 a similar scheme resulted in 268 homeowners benefitting both from removed asbestos, and becoming small-scale green energy producers. More information is available at
Image via Pixabay, by Roy Bury. Public domain.