After two months, lessons can begin again
After two months of home lessons, sometimes with a parent as a teacher, children can go to school again from today all over The Netherlands. RTV Drenthe reports that children, parents, and teachers are all very happy about the development, which sees ‘Basisscholen’ open for alternative halves of their students.
Students arrived at De Borg Child Center in Assen between eight and half past eight this morning, with parents being allowed to accompany their children to the gate. A teacher stands at the gate to ensure that the parents do not enter the schoolyard.
One of the parents is happy for his daughter to return to school. The daughter herself finds it exciting, and circles have been drawn on the schoolyard for the different groups. The children gather in each circle and then walk into the school building with a teacher, following arrows on the ground so that they keep a distance.
“It is of course very nice that children can go back to school after eight weeks. It is really a party for the children and for us”, says director Annemieke Westra of Kindcentrum De Borg.
Image via Flickr user woodleywonderworks. License here.