A special hearing was held on Tuesday in the Oosterhamrik zone to hear from residents of the Oosterpark and Korreweg neighbourhoods.
The council commission Beheer en Verkeer (Maintenance and Traffic) event was attended by roughly 100 residents, most of whom strongly oppose planned changes to their area of the city.
The current preferred plan, referred to as “splitsing” would effectively turn the Oosterhamrikkade into a connecting road from the eastern portion of the ring road to the city centre. The busy Korreweg would become a bike only road.
Dagblad van het Noordern reports that residents from Oosterhamrik zone expressed concerns that the changes would alter the spirit of the neighbourhood. The plans would mean houses being torn down on the Vinkenstraat, fewer parking spaces and busier streets and more noise pollution due to rerouting the busses.
Business owners on the Wielewaalplein stated that they had not been consulted when the plans were being developed and questioned the wisdom of a bus route going through the square.
The municipal council will address the plans this summer. Changes to the traffic situation in the eastern portion of the city are expected to be completed in 2024.
Artistic renderings courtesy of the municipality of Groningen.