Rik Wever, a student and wildlife photographer from Groningen, captured detailed pictures of a wolf in the province.
By Hans de Preter / Translation by Traci White
Wever was in a car on the road “somewhere in Groningen” when he spotted the animal moving through a field along the highway. After posting the remarkable photos on Facebook, Wever declined to specify where he saw the wolf out of fear that it would become a hunting target.
Wever is a student at Van Hall Larenstein’s Forest and Nature Conservancy programme in Gelderland, as well as an administrator for a birding group in Westerwolde at wildlife spotters site waarneming.nl.
Although Wever did not want to say where exactly he spotted the animal, our theory is they he may have been headed toward a little town near the German border in the municipality Reiderland called Hongerige Wolf.