The Province of Drenthe wants more people to drive hydrogen cars
Both the province of Drenthe and Drents businesses are coming together to make it easier for people to buy and drive hydrogen-powered cars.
Six new hydrogen filling points will be opened in the province this year and next: five will be public and on the sites of existing petrol stations, whilst one will be located on premises owned by the hydrogen company Vriend (Coevoorden). As reported by the website Regional Nieuws Hoogeveen.
The province of Drenthe itself will also purchase four hydrogen cars, which will soon be on the road, reports Deputy Tjisse Stelpstra.
The initiative comes from the companies Resato (producer of hydrogen filling points) from Assen and Orange Gas from Heerenveen. They also want to expand the network from Drenthe to Groningen and Friesland, to increase the coverage of the network.
Resato and Orange Gas will work together with Gasunie and the car leasing company Friesland Lease. The initiators want to open the first hydrogen filling point in Drenthe by July 2020. In order to facilitate the filling points, the parties will receive financing from the Drenthe Energy Organization (DEO); the province’s energy fund.
DEO will also work with low-threshold loans to stimulate the purchase of hydrogen cars.
In addition, the organisation will also set up an educational space to introduce pupils and other interested parties to hydrogen.
Image: a hydrogen filling station in Reykjavik, Iceland. Image via WikiUser Jóhann Heiðar Árnason. License here.