Computer says no
This week there were no fewer than 1400 students from the University of Groningen that were affected by a malfunctioning Nestor system. All of the online exams held at the RUG in the early afternoon on Monday were affected by a malfunction, with the system running extremely slow at the time. The problem was resolved after 25 minutes, the University newspaper reports (Ukrant).
A total of 1400 students took exams, says Louwarnoud van der Duim of CIT. How many students actually encountered problems is unknown. “Some could just keep working, for others it was completely unworkable.”
Van der Duim says that it is the first time since the lockdown in March that such a disruption has happened during online exams.
One of the affected exams was International Institutional Law (IIL). “After about twenty minutes I was called and informed that this problem existed,” says Lecturer André de Hoogh. “At that time I already had four emails from students who couldn’t log in to the exam. And then I got more, and more.”
Image by Thomas Ansell