A sensible approach is being taken to easing the lockdown
Yesterday evening the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte held a press conference around the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak and subsequent lockdown regulations. He brought good news: the Dutch government has decided to begin gently easing restrictions, with a phased de-escalation.
May 11
From Monday 11 May, contact professions such as hairdressers and beauticians, may open the doors again under certain conditions. In June, relaxation will follow for the hospitality industry, cinemas and museums, reports GIC.nl
Appointments will be mandatory for all barbers and hairdressers: naturally those displaying or reporting cold or flu-like symptoms will be asked to stay away until they are feeling better.
June 1
June 1 will see various entertainment options operating on a limited basis: with the general condition that people are kept 1.5-metres away from eachother, and mandatory reservations.A maximum of ten people will be allowed to sit together on terraces, whilst restaurants, theaters and cinemas can also open their doors again. Similarly, they will be available only by reservation or through a pre-bought ticket, with a maximum of thirty people 1.5 meters apart.
Secondary schools will open again on June 1, but in practice, this will be June 2, as the first is Pentecost.
July 1
Campsites and holiday parks are allowed to open completely again from July 1, including shared shower and toilet facilities. Restaurants, cinemas and theaters can scale up to a maximum of 100 people, but this will continue to be only by reservation, and with sufficient space.