On Saturday, emergency services managed to save a 5-year-old boy named Kenan from under the rubble of a collapsed grill room in Coevorden (Drenthe). The building completely collapsed after a gas explosion, which took place on Saturday afternoon.
The explosion occurred around 3 p.m. and the boy’s father was quickly freed from the ruins and taken to hospital. The search for the little boy then continued, and when they found him it took hours before he could be freed, due to many unstable parts of the collapsed building.
Kenan was freed around 8 p.m. and was stable enough to be transported to hospital. On Sunday, it was announced that Kenan was out of intensive care and both he and his father will be able to leave the hospital within a few days.
Jongetje van vijf onder puin in grillroom in #coevorden gehaald. #hvnl pic.twitter.com/B1OUqGE1YX
— Ilse van Wingerden (@IlseHVNL) December 7, 2019
The cause of the gas explosion is still unknown, however, police are starting investigations today.