The Dutch weather: a topic that hurts most internationals, who refuse to make peace with the idea of experiencing the weather conditions of four different seasons in one day. Yes, your day can begin with a burst of beautiful sunshine that you think it will last for hours and can end up with a hailstorm. Oh, the beauty of Dutch weather…
Julia from Italy and Ireland is confused by the fact that it’s mid-May and the weather it exactly like winter. “It’s hard when you come from warm countries. The weather sets the mood for the whole city”, she says.
While Maria from Greece has not much to complain regarding her time in the Netherlands the weather is what triggers her the most. “In Greece, they are already on the beach”, she complains. Every time she scrolls on Facebook or Instagram pictures of friends and family members in summer clothes or beside the sea make their appearance. “And what am I supposed to show them, the hail”, Maria says.
Check out the video below to see what other internationals had to say about the Dutch weather.