On Monday a 35-year old Leeuwarder man was given a 400 Euro fine for having accepted a 50 Euro gift, in the knowledge that the money was stolen. The incident happened on the 5 August last year, and the money had earlier been stolen from a ‘snack wall’ at a Jumbo supermarket.
“You would have to be a very good person, to not accept that”, said the man during his hearing. At the same time, he stressed that he had nothing to do with the theft itself. Officer Marco van den Broek, at the time, decided to give the man an 800 Euro fine. The friend, who had stolen the money, was given an equally high fine.
Magistrate Monique Dijkstra has halved the amount that the man is due to pay. The Leeuwarder man, who does not have the full amount, may pay his dues in eight instalments.