Around half of the total number of filed damage reports following the 3.4 magnitude earthquake on the 22nd of May came from the municipality of Groningen.
Translation by Hans de Preter
As of Sunday evening, Dagblad van het Noorden reports that 2,000 reports were filed at the Temporary Committee on Mining Damage in Groningen so far, 954 of which came from the municipality of Groningen. The epicenter of the quake was in the nearby town of Westerwijtwert.
The Wednesday quake, which was induced by natural gas extraction operations in the region, was one of the biggest to ever be registered in the province. There were 60 so-called acutely unsafe situations, but inspectors only ultimately deemed ten addresses in need of extra safety measures. On Monday morning, around 40 Code Rood activists blocked the entrance to the Gasunie headquarters in the city of Groningen to protest the ongoing earthquakes caused by natural gas extraction.