On 1 March, 2022, the municipality of Groningen will roll out a new subsidy scheme designed to offset the costs connected with the climate change-induced flooding and heat stress. The city plans to allocate 500,000 euros, which is twice the amount of the current budget, to that end.
The scheme entails the extension of the current scheme for green roofs. As of March, financial aid can also be requested for the greening of facades, de-stoning of gardens, rainwater collection and tree planting.
A big chunk of the subsidies is reserved for the construction of green roofs. The budget for that went up significantly and reached in total 300,000 euros. The government aims to attract more residents to the scheme by reducing the subsidy per square meter and setting a maximum surface area at 200 sq m.
An estimated 12,000 sq m of roof will be greened this year, considerably more than the initially planned 8,000 square meters.
In addition to the new subsidy scheme, Groningen will continue to participate in Operation Steenbreek, a national platform aimed at inspiring the public to transform their gardens into green gardens. Part of the budget will be allocated to certain districts and areas. In the coming years, the municipality plans to focus on Vinkhuizen, Hoogkerk and Paddepoel whose neighbourhoods and streets the Groningen authorities want to make greener.