Members of the Groningen Student Union (GSB) and other political youth organisations organised a protest against the government’s plans to fine students who take longer than usual to complete their studies.
The students gathered at Groningen’s DUO building, the local branch of the student finance institution, to oppose the study fine, a new policy that would penalise students who take longer than the standard time to complete their studies. The fine, which would be applied after just one extra year of study, requires students to pay an additional €3000 per extra year on top of their regular tuition fees.
The demonstrators carried a large blue envelope marked with “€3000” and “return to sender,” symbolising their rejection of the proposed fine. The measure has sparked widespread concern among students, who argue that it unfairly penalises those facing personal, academic, or financial challenges that delay their graduation.
The political youth organisations Young Socialists, Dwars, Pink, and SP-youth joined the GSB in their protest. Imre Schakelaar, head of the Young Socialists Groningen, was quoted by GIC saying that none of the four government coalition parties had this in their election manifesto.
“The government needs money and chooses to get it from the group they care least about: students,” she said.
On Friday, students from Groningen also went to a protest in The Hague against the possible new changes the current Dutch government wants to make which they say will be detrimental to students and universities. Apart from the study delay fine, the government recently announced massive budget cuts for universities and reduced compensation for study loans.
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