According to the latest “Atlas for Municipalities”, the province of Groningen has the most to offer in terms of cultural activities in the whole country.
On the provincial level, Friesland came in fourth place and Drenthe came in 10th place out of 12. The Leeuwarder Courant reports that the city of Leeuwarden ranked third on the municipal level, second only to Amsterdam and Maastricht.
Dagblad van het Noorden reports that the annual atlas is produced by the Boekman Foundation, an institute for arts, culture and related policy. The regional cultural index is a new feature in this year’s edition, which will be officially presented in Leeuwarden on Wednesday afternoon.
The atlas evaluates cultural activities in the fields of performing arts, heritage, visual arts, literature and film based on 20 different indicators. Fifty different municipalities were evaluated for the index: Utrecht came in 4th place, The Hague came in 13th place and Rotterdam came in 17th place.
The researchers behind the atlas come up with their scores based on the number of activities in proportion to the population of the area, which means that smaller cities scored slightly higher. Rotterdam likely scored lower due to a lack of historic buildings, many of which were destroyed in the Second World War, but the experts also said that the city simply has less on offer than other areas.
Photo source: Michiel Verbeek/Wikipedia