Groningen municipal council has voted on an ordinance that would ban all gas-powered motorized bicycles from bike paths, city parks and trails, the Groninger Internet Courant reports. The ban extends to all low-speed bikes that are propelled by gasoline-powered engines. Such vehicles reportedly emit more carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and particulate matter than passenger cars and buses, and thus present a hazard to regular bikers and the environment.
The onslaught of motor-assisted cyclists has generated a surge of traffic not only on the streets, but also on park trails where, often, motorized vehicles have been considered off-limits.
The new order will forbid gasoline-powered bikes from over a hundred city cycling lanes and various recreational areas. A cycle-only lane will marked by the blue rectangular sign ‘Fietspad’.
The new regulation is expected to come into effect in October, 2022. See this map for details on the proposed changes and closure locations.
Image via WikiUser Michiel1972, license here