Once the Groninger Forum is completed, visitors will be able to take in panoramic views of the city thanks to glass balustrades on the roof.
Translation by Traci White
Thick glass walls along walkways on the roof of the Groninger Forum will make it safe for building visitors to admire the horizon of the city and even the surrounding countryside. The Groninger Internet Courant reports that the scaffolding is currently being taken down from the tallest stories of the building, which will be the second tallest in the city when it opens in 2019.
The construction company working on the building, BAM, expects it to take several weeks to remove the scaffolding and will start on the Schoolstraat side. Natural stone slabs still need to be installed on the façade of the building.
The interior of the building is being completed one section at a time. Interior walls are being built, window frames and door frames are being put into place, exterior walls are being constructed and ceilings are being finalised. Construction is also underway on soundproofing in the auditorium and movie theatres inside the building.