Build it strong and build it tall
Frisian sheep farmers have asked for a boundary between the provinces of Groningen and Friesland to prevent wolves from accessing Frisian farmland. A group of five farmers have made the plea, saying that the fence must be placed around all of Friesland. The sheep farmers have now set up a foundation and will present their plans on Thursday at the Nieuwspoort press center in The Hague.
‘If we do nothing, there will be no more sheep roaming around the country in ten years’ time,’ says sheep farmer Jehan Bouma from Oldeboorn, reports RTV Noord. Bouma is chairman of the Wolvenhek Fryslân foundation.
There must be about 150 to 200 kilometers of fences on the Frisian borders, say the farmers, who have perhaps missed all of the more important developments in the Netherlands in the last year.
“There is a fence on the border between Denmark and Germany. There is also a fence in the Hoge Veluwe”, says Bouma. In Friesland, a majority in the Provincial Council wanted to keep wolves out of the province, but ran up against the issue that wolves, though sentient, cannot read laws preventing them from entering the Province.
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