‘Fluffageddon’ by Jurjen Galema and ‘Sjoerd Huizinga- the great unknown of Yn ‘e line’ be can be visited from October
Translated by Thomas Ansell
As reported by the Drachtster Courant, two new exhibitions will come to the Dr8888 museum from October 25. Naturally, the museum will be including new safety regulations due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.
‘Fluffageddon’ by Jurjen Galema will show a dose of surreal sculpture, mixed with ‘superflat’ motifs and a carried out with a playful eye. Galema’s works are so-called ‘soft-sculptures’, each with its own character, and with the aim of bridging the gap between the art world and our society.
Galema’s work looks into themes such as gender, identity, the human body, and addiction, which are explored through the lens of popular culture. Galema himself is currently training at the Minerva Art Academy (part of the Hanzehogeschool Groningen).
Sjoerd Huizinga- De grote onbekende van Yn ‘e line (Sjoerd Huizinga- the great unknown of Yn ‘e line) will show off the work of one of the least-known but most experimental members of the Yn ‘e line expressionist art collective. The exhibition of his work will include around 75 works. The exhibition at Dr8888 is part of a wider exploration of Huizinga’s work, with a book to be published (by Dirk van Ginkel), and a separate ‘buyers exhibition’ to be held at the Galerie Jan Reinder Adema in the village of Damwoude (Gemeente Dantumadiel).
Huizinga’s work is shot through with experimentalism, and though difficult to pin to a specific art movement, emphasises the freedom that the Yn ‘e line collective felt. The group of artists began meeting in the 1940’s, and met for around 20 years. All members lived in and around the town of Buitenpost (Gemeente Achtkarspelen).
More information about both exhibitions can be found on the Dr8888 website.
Image via Wikimedia user Baykedevries. License here.