On Thursday, a new, multifunctional floating pier will officially open in the Frisian coastal town of Harlingen. The 160-meter-long pier will be located in the Wilhelmina harbour.
The town is hoping that the new addition will provide a boost to the local tourism industry. The harbour needs the pier in order to better accommodate ocean and river cruises. Passengers will be able to embark and disembark more easily than before because the floating pier will rise and fall with the tides.
According to the harbour authorities, sailboats and the so-called “bruine vloot”, traditional Frisian charter boats, can also utilise the new pier.
Alderperson Maria Le Roy believes that the pier will provide a welcome boost to the tourism industry in the harbour town, where approximately 40 cruise ships are expected annually. The first four large ships will dock at the pier in June.
Installation of the pier cost around 3 million euros, which was paid for by the province of Friesland and the municipality of Harlingen.