On Liberation Day, activists from Flemish-Dutch Voorpost hung up fake bus stop signs along the Ter Apel-Emmen line in Drenthe: the signs listed bus stops in Baghdad, Damascus and Kabul and included messages such as “going home hand in hand” and “departure only”.
Translation by Traci White
The misinformation was targeted at the many asylum seekers who live in the AZC (azielzoekerscentrum, asylum seekers centre) in Ter Apel and make regular use of the bus line.
RTV Noord reports that Voorpost is a group that describes itself as “people’s nationalist” party. The Dutch intelligence service AIVD has classified the group as extreme right wing. The group shared photos of the fake signs on social media on Liberation Day.
The municipalities of Westerwolde and Emmen took down the signs as quickly as possible, and the police are using security camera footage to identify the people who posted the signs. The Public Prosecutor is also considering whether or not to press charges.
The Ter Apel-Emmen bus line has regularly been in the news recently because of a small number of young asylum seekers from so-called safe countries who have been causing major disruptions on the bus. The asylum seekers in question are extremely unlikely to receive asylums status, but they are allowed to stay in the country while their cases are being considered.
Several bus drivers have expressed their discomfort at the threatening behaviour of the young men, and a number of drivers have refused to stop at Ter Apel to avoid them getting on the bus. There are currently plans in the works to create a separate bus service from the asylum centre.
Photo source: Groninger Internet Courant