More and more companies are re-locating to the Northern Dutch coast
by Thomas Ansell
The Gemeente Het Hoogeland will unveil new bus and bike connections between the city of Groningen and the town of Eemshaven today. Two bus lines (6 and 41) will run via Appingedam to the business hub next to the Wadden Sea every hour, whilst the 160 bus will run directly from the city to Eemshaven three times in the morning and late afternoon.
When travellers get off the bus in Eemshaven, they will be greeted by a number of loan bikes, which can be unlocked by a special app. The bikes will be free to use as long as they are returned to their docking station within 12 hours. The idea of the new transport mini-system is to make the Eemshaven more accessible for workers at the various companies that have set up there, and to make it a viable place for students from the city of Groningen to do their internships.
Three new bus stops will also be unveiled in Eemshaven, on the Kwelderweg: Emmahaven in the west, Energiecentrale in the centre, and at the eastern end (Datacentrale) for those working near the Google datacentre. Each of the stops will have loan bikes available.
The new transport mini-system is the result of a collaboration between Groningen Seaports, Samenwerkende Berdijven Eemsdelta, Parkdiensten Eemsdelta; the Gemeente Het Hogeland, and the OV-Bureau Groningen/Drenthe.
Image: the Emmahaven in Eemshaven. By Wikimedia user Baykedevries. License here.