Students of the Hanze’s International Business and Management Studies programme pitched the business concepts for the future of the former flight school at Eelde this week.
Translation by Traci White
The Groninger Internet Courant writes that the Hanze University of Applied Sciences students spent the past six months focusing on ways to improve the business climate at the former Civil Aviation School at Groninger Airport Eelde.
Students at the universities of applied sciences in the north regularly provide consultancy services to local companies and government projects as part of their academic programmes. The first year students worked together with four organisations that are already present at the site:, Drone Hub Groningen Airport Eelde, and MEER. Second year students worked with Complies, Waterking, Holland Ingredients and Mersman, focusing in particular on internationally-oriented issues.
The province of Drenthe is interested in collaborating with business owners, academic institutions and other local parties to make the property more attractive for business development. The airport has been a research focus area for Hanze students since 2015.
According to Hanze instructor Bas Baalmans, these kinds of collaborations are the future for applied sciences education. “Companies want to bring students on board as early as possible, and they want to work with students who are fit for the job”, says Baalmans.
The former home of the flight school is currently undergoing a dramatic transformation, and the province wants to profile the location as the place to be for up-and-coming companies in the region.