Seeing the sentiment around migrant workers becoming more negative over the years, Dutch companies launched a publication with numbers and stats that show the Netherlands cannot do without workers from abroad.
Work organisation AWVN has concluded in their analysis (entitled Migrant work: why the Netherlands can’t go without it) that there is a general negative connotation towards migrant work in today’s society. According to companies, it’s not always right that all the social issues regarding migration are measured by the same yardstick.
“Discussions about the issues around asylum seekers are sometimes confused with the issues regarding migrant workers,” the report said
On top of this, the 4 political parties working towards a formation all want to limit immigration. This doesn’t just affect asylum seekers. Migrant workers and international students also are on the radar.
The employers state that a large portion of the sectors in the Netherlands are dependent on migrant workers, this is partly because of a lack of people and an ageing population.
AWVN also notes that most of these migrant workers are from inside the EU, which means they are allowed to travel and work freely and they can’t be suddenly stopped. The political discussions will become more difficult because of this many employers think.