‘Art Detective’ Arthur Brand made the announcement on his TV programme on Tuesday
However, Brand has not yet managed to get hold of the stolen Van Gogh painting ‘Spring Garden’, which was stolen in Spring whilst out on loan from the Groninger Museum. On Tuesday evening, he announced in his TV programme that he knows who currently owns the painting- a large drug trafficker who is now detained. As reported by the GIC.
The Van Gogh painting ‘Spring garden, the pastoral garden in Nuenen in spring’ is in the possession of the Groninger Museum. The canvas was stolen at the end of March from Museum Singer in Laren, which had it on loan.
At the time, Brand immediately investigated and announced that the robbery would be one of the subjects of his new TV series. He was hopeful that he would be able to obtain the canvas for the broadcast of the programme this week (and failed). In recent months, photos have been released showing that the canvas was still intact at that time.
The art detective has heard from various quarters about who now owns the painting. The police should also know who the owner now is. “But there is no proof. No DNA has been left behind”, he says.
“I know who stole it. I know who was offered it and who bought it. For what amount and I know why it was bought. For a reduced sentence”, says Brand. The current owner allegedly bought the painting whilst living in prison, and hopes to be able to use the painting in exchange for a reduction in his sentence.
Brand hopes that the owner of the painting will understand that he will not receive a reduction in his sentence by offering the painting. “Hopefully this will lead to this person thinking: let me get it back and I’ll get rid of that headache.”
Nevertheless, Brand does not rule out the possibility that the owner is keeping quiet and that it will take another ten years before the painting is above water again. “We are so close, but if the person does not want to return the painting, it will stop for the time being. However, I cannot let it go, ”said the art detective.