Dhèvak from Emmen has won a pitch during the Top Dutch Talent kickoff-meeting. The company brought in a creative and humorous concept.
On the 9th of July, the Top Dutch Talent project, whose goal is to link international talent with the Northern labour market, hosted a large gathering in Drachten. Attendees of the meeting learned about what the project has achieved thus far and where it is going, and enjoyed the chance to hear speeches from Yvonne Hest and Richard Kerste from the Eindhoven platform Brainport and world business woman of the year, Marion Tjin-Tham-Sjin about their international success stories. A panel featuring representatives from regional academic institutions and employment initiatives also took part in a discussion on how to best bring international talent and local companies together.
Winner Top Dutch Talent platform
Following a short presentation by three web designers, attendees got to vote on their favourite look for the Top Dutch Talent platform website. LoveBird Design, Salty Devs and Dhèvak pitched their visions for the site, and then the audience got to cast their vote: the design that received the most votes was the creative and humorous concept from Dhèvak. The company, which is located in Emmen, specialises in experimental and innovative web design.
Top Dutch Talent has held several meets ups thus far, and the past couple of events in particular have resulted in valuable feedback to help refine the vision and content of the new platform.
More information
To keep up with the latest news about Top Dutch Talent or with questions surrounding the project, please visit http://www.topdutchtalent.com.