The Bomenridders (The Tree Knights) of Groningen will come together with house boat inhabitants on the Noord-Willemskanaal to protest tree felling operations along the water front.
Translation by Traci White
OOG TV reports that the line of trees along the A28 are scheduled to be chopped down on Monday and Tuesday. On Facebook, the Bomenridders group posted that they are planning to gather at the berths for the house boats between the Van Iddekingebrug and the Van Ketwich Verschuurbrug at 7:30 on Monday morning to protest the plans.
Kirsten de Wrede of the Party for the Animals (PvdD) also posted that she had submitted a formal written request to at least postpone, if not entirely call off, chopping down any additional trees until there is more clarity about the future of the ring road plans in Groningen.
Although the municipality is planting more trees than they are chopping down, the city of Groningen is still experiencing a net loss of trees due to a lack of replanting on private property. Clearcutting of trees along the ring road has been going on since at least February of this year, but the future of the ring road construction is currently being re-evaluated. A committee is expected to share their findings about how the road works should proceed by the end of 2018.
Photo source: Google Maps