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The number of people that have tested positive for Coronavirus in the province of Groningen was 120 yesterday: significantly lower than the average of the past seven days. As reported by the GIC.
In the past seven days, an average of 399 people tested positive every day. Since there were 120 yesterday, that means that that was 279 fewer than the average. 15% of all tests performed by the GGD were positive.
The average number of people who tested positive per 100,000 inhabitants was 20.5. That was 47.6 lower than the average of the past 7 days (68.1). This number shows how many people per 100,000 inhabitants were reported to have tested positive for the corona virus yesterday.
City of Groningen
The number of positive tests in the municipality of Groningen alone as of July 20 (yesterday) was 71. That was 195 lower than the average of the past 7 days (266). (Groningen has 232,874 inhabitants).
The number of hospital admissions in yesterday in Groningen was 2: most days in the last week have only seen one admission each day.
All of the latest figures are available via the Dutch government’s Coronavirus dashboard.
Image via the Coronavirus Dashboard