The cycle path on the northern side of the Afsluitdijk (nearest the Wadden Sea) is set to close for three years.
Translation by Thomas Ansell
From the 1st April, the Leeuwarder Courant reports that it will not be possible to cycle over the dike due to works being carried out between Den Oever-Breezanddijk and the Oever-Kornwerderzand area, which is right in the middle of the Afsluitdijk.
At the moment, cyclists can ride next to the highway, and in the coming years, a new dedicated cycle path will be built. For the next three years, pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists will be able to use the Afsluitdijkfietsbus instead. The so-called bike buses will run at least once an hour and will have space for 15 bikes and 25 people. The bus stops and schedule will be revealed on the 1st April.
According to the project website for the Aflsuitdijk, “the closing of the cycle path is needed so that extra sluices and pumps can be added, and also for the renovation of the Den Oever dam”.
In late February, the Afsluitdijk was closed overnight for five days in order to fix technical problems with bridges and floodgates on the causeway.